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Choosing an Awesome Bird Feeder

Feeding birds is a hobby that is popular worldwide. One of the reasons it is popular is that you can feed them without making them tame. Another reason is that it can make you feel closer to nature.

Your choice of bird feeders is dependent on several things. You can choose between one that hangs from a pole or one that is mounted directly on top of a pole. You don’t want to put bird feeders in trees. There are also models that mount right on your window, so you can get a very closeup look at the birds.

One style of feeder that your don’t want is a platform style feeder – unless you live far out in the countryside. This is because this style feeder is accessible to all sorts of animals. As was stated in the first paragraph, birds can be fed without becoming tame. Other animals, however, will begin to associate humans with food. They will not necessarily become tame, but they are likely to be a nuisance – moving closer to your home, attacking pets. In the end, this often detrimental to the animal because if it becomes too much of a nuisance, it will eventually be killed.

Whichever feeder style you choose, ensure that it has drainage and a roof. A hopper-style feeder is usually best, as long as it has these features. The hopper is best because it releases more seeds as they are consumed. Of course, you do not want there to be any nails or screws sticking out which could injure the bird.

For finches, “upside down” feeders are popular. These feeders require the birds to be upside down to eat, which goldfinches will readily do.

For finches, you should put out Nyjer seed. It is often called “thistle” seed, although it is in no way related to the thistle family. For other birds, black oil sunflower seeds are best.

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